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Body Language

Body language top 10 tips


1. Smile


2. Keep an open space before your upper torso


Do not fold your arms and take off any jackets/coats


3. Make eye contact


Important to make a connection.


4. Be comfortable in your space.


Do not fidget or look around the room randomly.


5. Try and not talk with your hands


Making signals/moving hands while saying something.


6. Minimise movement that distracts


Fidgeting with your hands or touching your face a lot.

7. Slow down your pace


(For fast talkers) Move slowly to keep the surrounding area calm.


8. Be inclusive in your actions


E.g. reduce your physical distance between you and the other person and make occasional gestures towards them.


9. Be open with your emotions


Try and show that you are interested


10. Pace yourself to match the other person


Everyone is different and moves at their own pace, when talking to and interviewer try and stay on their pace to make that connection.


Remember that body language can make or break you in an interview.  

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