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What information do you include on your CV?

A CV presents a combination of qualifications, experience, skills and interests to an employer.  It is updated regularly to reflect what you have to offer.


You can add a personal statement to give a brief bit of information about you.  Only write a small paragraph with about 3 sentences long into the statement.  Make sure that you add positive words such as “hard worker” and “reliable”.


Employers are looking for CVs that:

Supply information relevant to the job. Recruiters for training do not usually want or need to know the specific details of the course you are studying or every club that you have joined.  Summarise your qualifications, work experience, skills, and interests. This will make you stand out as an individual and give you a better chance.


Education Experience Only

If you have never been in paid employment a one page CV will provide all the details required by the employer. Even if you have lots of experience, your CV should not be more than two pages long.


Basic Information

Your Name and contact details (address, telephone number, email address) should be clearly displayed at the top of the CV.


Your Education

Put your education in reverse order starting with your recent studies and going back as far as secondary school.

Remember to: Name what you are studying – you can briefly list main subjects but there is no need to go into more detail for semester jobs

List your Higher learning or ‘A’ level results and, if relevant, your module results.



References are people that an employer can contact if they want to know more information about you.  A reference is someone you know professionally NOT personally.  This could be someone you have worked with such as a previous employer, co-worker or tutor.  References do not have to be given but you can add a message saying “References given on request”.


Below is a CV template which will be downloaded to your computer:


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